My magic boots…
My first conscious manifestation in 2010
Back in 2010 was when I was introduced to The Secret and this is the story of my very first manifestation.
My magic boots!
I had read The Secret and I was watching The Secret DVD on a constant loop at the time so that I could absorb everything that it was telling me.
It was still quite a lot to take in as I had never heard of this before and I couldn’t quite believe that this was how the world worked. I kept listening to the DVD over and over, letting my mind really think about what I wanted out of life and could I really make this work?
My partner was working abroad and I wasn’t working at the time so I had the space and silence that I believe was perfect for me to process this mindset shift.
I could feel my energy starting to shift, I felt my vibration raising (although I wouldn’t of known how to describe it back then) and I felt excited, happy and full of enthusiasm of what was possible. Start small. That’s what I thought would be a good experiment to see if this Law of Attraction stuff really works, or if I could make it work.
I was browsing on the internet one afternoon and I came across the most amazing pair of boots and I wanted them so bad.
They were black ankle boots with a Steampunk vibe…see pic above.
I sat there looking at the photos’ from all of the different angles, looking at all of the detail on the side of the boots, feeling butterflies in my tummy and knowing that these boots would be mine. This was a good place to start I thought, it was something not too big and I had the strong desire to pull them towards me.
I printed off a picture of the boots and put it in the kitchen so that I would see it throughout the day. I spent time each day looking at the boots online or imagining myself receiving them through the post and wearing them.
Each time I looked at the boots, either in my mind or on the computer screen, I would feel that strong excitement sensation and I would stay in that zone for as long as I could.
Now, let me state that these boots were too expensive for me at the time. They were £150. I had never spent that much on a pair of shoes and I wasn’t working so there was no way I could justify the cost. I’m pretty sensible and have always been a money worrier so I would never splash out on big things.
This is another part of Law of Attraction that I will talk about in a later blog post. Your mindset is super important if you want to continue to build your manifesting muscle so you have to keep working it and building its strength.
I was in my routine of imagining and believing that I would own these amazing boots, and also feeling happy in general that I might be able to pull this off! Now let me state also that I was not just sitting there and expecting them to materialize on front of me. I understood that I had to participate in the manifestation process so I kept an eye out for this boots everywhere I went.
“Maybe I will find them in my local charity shop, or maybe someone will give them to me second hand or maybe I will come into a bit of cash” I thought.
I was trying to work out how these boots could come to me.
This is a mistake, do not try and work out how something will manifest, its not for you to worry about. You just have to focus on the end result.
From my experience of manifesting, things come in unexpected ways so don’t waste energy trying to figure it out, that’s the universe’s part of the deal. I will say though that if you get an inspired idea to do something that will maybe bring the desire to you, then that is a different story. It’s called Inspired Action and it’s when you get an idea out of the blue that I believe is the universe giving you a prompt to help you receive the desire more quickly.
So back to the story. I was constantly keeping my eyes peeled for any signs or prompts around my desire and I was searching online for as many shops as I could that sold the boots. Turns out that at the time there wasn’t many online options to purchase them, just a few shops in America, the odd pair on Ebay at an even higher price, and Amazon. Every day I would log into these shops and look at the pictures of the boots, and about 2 weeks later is when the magic happened.
I had been in a good mood, feeling excited, going out into the fresh air with my dog each day, feeling pretty good about things and I still had The Secret DVD running each day on the TV. I was beginning to learn the words off by heart.
I logged into Amazon for my usual daily drool over the boots and boom!! The price had changed from £149.99 to £49.99!!! £100 off. I nearly fell off my chair.
Shit, I could not believe my eyes. I checked on the other sites to see if there was a overall drop in price or if maybe they were on sale any cheaper anywhere else, cheeky I know. Nope, just these ones were reduced. Sold, sold sold!!! I clicked and paid for them quickly in case it was a computer glitch on Amazon.
I sat in my chair with my heart racing from all of the excitement!
Now you could say that things get put on sale all the time, it was just a coincidence, you still had to pay £50 so they weren’t free, blah blah blah. I thought all of this too. The best part of the story is this though. The next day I searched for the boots again on Amazon and what do you know, back up to full price of £149.99. What are the chances? Reduced in price for 1 day only? How often do you see that? It still makes me smile now as that was my first taste of the magic of manifesting. I still have the boots and I think about this story each time I wear them. My amazing magic boots.
Start with something small. Build your muscle.